Corporative Information

ICESA, Innovación y Control de la Energía, S.A. was founded in Barcelona in 1990, as a company specialized in Control Systems and Industrial Automation for Power Plants and Industrial Process in general.  

Its capital is totally private, Spanish and not tied to any supplier, neither for instrumentation nor for control systems. 

Subsequently, as of 2008, ICESA began manufacturing in workshop THERMAL ENERGY EXCHANGE SUBSTATIONS for District heating / cooling systems. Today, ICESA has become a manufacturer specialized in this type of equipment, offering as required by the customer, the substation as individual equipment, or the tunr key for the substation, the pumping groups and other auxiliary equipment. for the production room.

ICESA usually  develops its activity under the modality of turn key, designing, projecting and constructing heat exchange substations, and control systems, for:

  • District Heating and cooling
  • Steam generators, power and cogeneration plants,Environmental projects (M.S.W. incineration, classification, composting, biometanization, ..)
  • Test facilities for machinery
  • Networks of industrial fluids
  • Chemical and other industrial processes

Highest-priority for ICESA is the innovation, integrating the new technologies, and applying them into the existing and the new fields in industry, specially environment related processes.
Our 600 m² facilities for offices (design and engineering) and 800 m² for warehouse and assembly (electrical cabinets, control systems, analysis cabinets, pre-mounted structure for installations ..), and tests and calibration bench for instruments make us possible to give the adequate service to our Clients.

Our offices and workshop are located in the surrounds of Barcelona (Western Vallés) very close to A7 highway:

Compositor Schubert, 22
Pol. Ind. Can Jardí
08191 RUBÍ (Barcelona)

Tel. (34) 93 586 20 87
Fax.(34) 93 588 62 71

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ICESA has an engineering department, that designs the basic and detail engineering related to instrumentation, control and electricity, alone or in collaboration with main engineering contractor or with the Client. The main (...)


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ICESA is a company based in Barcelona, and specialized in Control Systems and Industrial Automation for Power Plants and Industrial Process in general (...)

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